My passion is working with people and solving important selling and buying solutions for clients. Responsive is my key word! My goal is to provide exceptional response time. Get a call, answer a call, receive a text, send a text, receive an e-mail, respond to that e-mail! Quick and efficient client communication is a must. Client time is valuable and answering questions and solving problems are always time of the essence. Clients want answers when they have questions and need information in real time.
Working with customers has been a career for me from my early days working in our family’s team sporting goods business. We were fortunate to grow the company, positioning ourselves as the leading supplier of sporting goods equipment, uniforms, and apparel, servicing parts of 4 states and selling our business to the largest Team sporting goods dealer in the country in 2018.
My decision was to pursue Commercial Real Estate and Business brokerage with Bray, starting in 2020. I couldn’t be happier with my decision! The decision has allowed me to continue working with clients and being part of their team!
I received my MBA from Colorado University and am currently working on my CCIM Broker designation, as well as my IBBA business brokerage designation to provide important industry knowledge to all of my clients.
I look forward to making a difference and providing a successful transaction for sellers, buyers, landlords and tenants, and would love the opportunity to be a part of your team!